Other Endowments

In order to help build our community other endowment funds have been established.  Building these endowments is an ongoing process.  If you should be interested in furthering a specific cause, creating a memorial to someone or something, or make sure your donations have sustainability (Where your donations keep giving back to the community year after year instead of being spent and being gone.) contact the Greater Redford Community Foundation for more information.


Arts/History - A donor advised endowment fund to promote the arts and historical aspects of the community.


Recreational - A donor advised endowment fund to support all aspects of sports in the community.


Health/Environment - A donor advised endowment fund to promote good health in the community through funding of health initiatives, research, and positive ideas.  Donations can be made on behalf of particular diseases or particular health or environmental issues.  This is a means to put local funds into local health or environmental issues, instead of sending limited local funds to outside the community where there is little chance that they will ever come back to be used in our community.  It allows use and control to remain here, instead of "there".


Pets/Animals - A donor advised endowment fund to promote the welfare of pets and animals, domestic and wild.

Support the GRCF

Mission Statement

The Greater Redford Community Foundation is dedicated to enhancing and enriching the quality, depth and extent of life, work and benefit for the people of Redford Township and the greater area. The Foundation provides community leadership, grants, and responsible stewardship of funds.

15427 Wakenden
Redford, MI 48239

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© 2016 The Greater Redford Community Foundation